IATF 16949 Trainings
The preparatory course (course number xxx)
This course is recommended for 3rd party auditors to prepare themselves for the exam. The trainers are very experienced and familiar with the requirements.
The 2nd party auditor course (course number xxx)
These courses are recommended for OEM or 1st tier managers who have to audit their suppliers.
For more trainings please see the VDA-QMC catalogue (download here) or the ACCU X-Tech catalogue (download here)
VDA 6.x

Process Audit VDA 6.3
This is the most requested VDA Training. It ends with an exam and a certificate for successful passing. VDA 6.3 becomes more and more a requirement of every OEM to their suppliers. The standard will be reissued end 2022 and 2023 ACCU X-Tech will be able to hold the trainings according to the new release of VDA 6.3
Core Tools

Planning and control are two central elements of quality management. In the automotive industry, the most
important tools and methods for planning and control are summarized under the term core tools.
The most automotive manufacturers and suppliers require use of one or more of the Core Tools. Therefore, organizations whose employees have mastered the Core Tool processes can assure their customers that the industry's most qualified individuals are working on their behalf,and that IATF 16949 and applicable quality reference manual requirements will be met without fail.
The correct selection,application and linking of the most important QM methods support effective and efficient work in the pre-series and series phase,not only in the automotive industry. For this reason, auditors in particular should be familiar with these methods and be able to evaluate their application.
In this course you will learn more about the core tools. You will understand how the methods are related to each other and how you can use them to achieve the best effect for ensuring quality and meeting customer requirements. A high proportion of clear,practical explanations as well as many exercises enable you to apply these
methods and tools in evervdav working life and to evaluate their correct application.
High Voltage Training

The high voltage training courses are a must for every company won develops, produces and handles the NEVs, the new electric vehicles with battery tensions up to 900 Volts. The pioneering standard for this high Voltage training is DGUV 200-005 (German) or 200-006 (English), the successor of the 8686e Standard. Now this standard has been revised to 209-093 (German).
Accu X-Tech offers training according to the new version 209-093 for the level 1 and 2E as well as 2S (2 day courses in Chinese language). They are approved under VDA 815 and are resulting in a VDA certificate.
We also offer tailor-made in House courses and develop courses upon your request. The new standard 209-093 requires a 3 day training to certify levels 3E and 3S (work under live battery). We offer these trainings after spring festival 2022.
Contact us now and reserve trainings for Level 3E and 3S! S means for Service like 4S dealers etc.
!! Trainings less than 3 days for level 3E and 3S are not compliant to the standards any more!!

The 8 D report is a standard tool to handle defects in the supply chain. Accu X-Tech not only offers VDA-QMC Trainings for the 8D report ,but also introduces a digital 8D Report in 2022. The digital 8D Report is a cloud based tool, open for anyone as a SaaS application. (www.xxxxxxx.com).
In case you as supplier use the Digital 8 D report portal from Accu X-tech, you can demonstrate to your customers that you have the required 8 D Reporting system in place with a mouseclick.
You save a lot of time internally, as all the necessary tools are already imbedded: Ishikawa Diagram, FMEA and much more…… get digital, save money, use the Accu X-tech digital 8 D Report now!
And forget paper copies, reports via mail and post…use the Accu X-Tech digital 8D portal to become fast, reliable and cost effective in your defect reporting…..and pave the way to avoid defects more efficiently.
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